I am a COSRT Accredited and UKCP Registered Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist and EFS & ESSM Certified Psycho-Sexologist. My first degree was in Psychology before I went on to train initially as a Psychosexual Therapist then continuing to do my Masters Degree in Relationship Therapy. In 2020 I qualified as a Certified Psycho-Sexologist through the European Federation of Sexology (EFS) and European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM).
For the past ten years I have been working in the field of Psychosexual Therapy and Sexual Wellness with my focus being my therapy practice, including work across a variety of settings. Much of what I believe brings people to Psychosexual Therapy is to do with our sexual culture which is largely shaming and silencing for many; so the other side of my work is about taking knowledge and experience from inside the therapy room to wider conversations, aiming to help people to get the sex education that they want as adults of any age, and normalising the conversations around sex and relationships and their challenges.
I regularly work with the media as an expert on the topic of sex and relationships, as well as speaking events such as panels, lectures, and workshops across a variety of settings. I have also worked advising brands launching products into the sexual wellbeing space, and hold roles as UK Sex Expert for luxury sex toy brand Lelo, and I am an advisor for Ferly.
In 2018 I was one of the therapists on the BBC Three series Sex On The Couch, and have been a guest on numerous podcasts as well as hosting my own podcast series The Sexual Wellness Sessions. In 2023 my book The Science Of Sex was published by Dorling Kindersley, and it is currently available in UK, USA and Germany.
Masters Degree in Relationship Therapy from The Relate Institute
Diploma in Integrative Psychosexual Therapy at The Centre for Psychosexual Health
Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology at University of Leeds
Pink Therapy Diploma in Gender, Sex & Relationship Diversity Therapy
As an Accredited Member of COSRT and a Registered Member of UKCP I am required to undertake 150 hours of Continued Professional Development every 3 years.